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1. H. Goel, R. Kumar, R. Kant, Novel EIS Method for In-Situ Determination of RMS Roughness of Electrode. (Poster), 25- 27th march, 28th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry, IIT Guwahati.​

*Awarded Best Poster Award of the Symposium*



3. Prerna, R. Kant, Theory for Chronoamperometric Response of Migration and Diffusion Controlled Reversible Electron Transfer, 11-14th December,17th Theoretical Chemistry Symposium, Online.​

*Awarded Best Poster Award of the Symposium*


2. H. Goel, R. Kumar, R. Kant, Determination of Fractal and Roughness Parameters of Electrode: Inverse Problems. (Oral), 27th November, Dynamics Day - XV, Online.​​


1. H. Goel, R. Kumar, R. Kant, Dynamic Influence of Electric Double Layer in Electron Transfer Reaction. (Poster), 26-30th September, 27th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry, Hybrid Mode.​



4. G. K. Mishra, J. Kaur, R. Kant, Molecular Self Assembly and Nano-Structuring Induced Tuning of Work Function and Potential of Zero Charge on Electrode. (Poster),1st February, National Workshop Nano Road Show-2020, Miranda House, University of Delhi.

*Awarded Best Poster Award of the Symposium*


3. Neha, R. Kant, Dynamics of Linear and Star Polymer Grafted Nanoparticles in Solution. (Poster),1st February, National Workshop Nano Road Show-2020, Miranda House, University of Delhi.


2. H. Goel, R. Kumar, R. Kant, Single Potential Step Chronoamperometry for EC' Reaction at Rough Electrodes: Theory and Experiment. (Poster), 30-31st January, 21st National Convention of Electrochemists, VIT Chennai. 

*Awarded Best Poster Award of the Symposium*


1. M. Kumar, R. Kant, Theory for Admittance Voltammetry of Reversible Electron Transfer at Rough and Fractal Electrodes. (Poster), 21-25th January, Indian Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry, EIHE-2020, DAE Convention Center, BARC, Mumbai.​



7. N. Goswami, R. Kant, Modular Theory for Electrochemical Impedance Response of Solid State Lithium Ion cell. (Oral Presentation), 27-28 December, National Conference on Advanced Lithium Ion Batteries: Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru- 560 012.


6. Neha, R. Kant, Viscoelastic Dynamics of Linear and Star Polymer Grafted Nanoparticle in Solution. (Poster), 20-21 November, NCAFM Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi.


5. M. Kumar, R. Kant, Theory for Reversible Two Step Electron Transfer Process with DC Bias Admittance at Fractal Electrodes. (Oral Presentation). 16 November. 13th Dynamics Day, IIT Delhi.


4. N. Goswami, R. Kant, Theory for Electrochemical Impedance Response of Solid State Electrolyte in Lithium Ion Batteries. (Poster), 19-21 July, 25th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry, IIT Kanpur.

*Awarded Best Poster Award of the Symposium*


3. M. Kumar, R. Kant,  Theory for Impedance of Two Step Electron Transfer Process at Rough and Fractal Electrodes. (Poster), 13-16 February, 16th Theoretical Chemistry Symposium, BITS Pilani.

*Awarded Best Poster Award of the Symposium*


2. Neha, R. Kant, Dynamics of Generalised Gaussian Polymeric Structure with Nanoparticles in External Fields. (Poster), 13-16 February, 16th Theoretical Chemistry Symposium, BITS Pilani.


1. G. K. Mishra, R. Kant,  Phenomenological Theory for Dynamic Energy and Power Density of Supercapacitors. (Poster), 8-10 January 2019, iSAEST Chennai.

*Awarded Best Poster Award of the Symposium*


9. Neha, R. Kant, Dynamics of Star Polymer Nanoparticle in External Fields. (Poster), 13-15 July, 23 CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry, IISER Bhopal.


8. M. Kumar, S. Srivastav, R. Kant, Influence of Uncompensated Solution Resistance on Diffusion Limited Adsorption at Rough Electrode (Poster), 7-8 June, Twentieth National Convention of Electrochemists, VIT Vellore.


7. G. K. Mishra, R. Kant, Phenomenological Theory of EIS Response for Supercapacitors (Poster), 7-8 June, Twentieth National Convention of Electrochemists, VIT Vellore.


6. M. Kumar, S. Srivastav, R. Kant, EIS with DC Bias at Rough Electrodes: Quasireversibility and Uncompensated Resistance (Poster), 22-23 February, Prof. R. C. Paul National Symposium, Panjab University, Chandigarh.

*Awarded Best Poster Award of the Symposium*


5. J. Kaur, R. Kant, Theory for Potential of Zero Charge of Self Assembled Monolayer over Curved Metal Electrode (Poster), 5th February. ACS on Campus India Roadshow, University of Delhi.

*Awarded Best Poster Award of the Symposium* 


4. N.R. Chowdhury, R. Kant, Intensity Modulated Photocurrent Spectroscopy at Illuminated Rough Semiconductor Electrodes (Poster), 5th February. ACS on Campus India Roadshow, University of Delhi.


3. N. Goswami, R. Kant, Theory for Electrochemical Impedance Response of Solid State Electrolyte (Poster), 5th February. ACS on Campus India Roadshow, University of Delhi, India.


2. Neha, R. Kant, Influence of Excluded Volume Interactions (EVI) on Dynamics of Dendrimer and Sierpinski Fractal Polymers in Random Flow (Poster), 1-4th Feb, 22nd CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry and 12th CRSI-RSC Symposium in Chemistry, School of Studies in Chemistry,Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (Chhattisgarh)


1. K. Saksena, A. Shrivastava and R. Kant,  Chiral analysis of ascorbic acid in bovine serum using ultrathin molecular imprinted polyaniline/graphite electrode (Poster), Emerging Trends in Drugs Development and Natural Products, 12th -14th January, Department of Chemistry, Delhi University, Delhi.



4. N.R. Chowdhury, R. Kant, 2017, Theory for Intensity Modulated Photocurrent Spectroscopy on Rough and Finite Fractal Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (Oral Presentation), Dynamic Day-XII, 25th November 2017, Ashoka University, Sonepat Haryana-131029.


3. J. Kaur, R. Kant, 2017, Theory for Potential of Zero Charge of Self Assembled Monolayer over Curved Metal Electrode (Poster), 23-25th December, 54th Annual Convention of Chemists (ICS-2017), Department of Chemistry, Uka Tarsadia University, Bardoli, Surat, Gujrat.

*Professor S. T. Nandibewoor Award for Best Poster*


2. N. Goswami and R. Kant, 2017, Theory for Electrochemical Impedance Response of Solid State Electrolyte (Poster), 6-9 September, 1st World Conference on Solid Electrolytes for Advanced Applications: Garnet & Competitors, Department of Physics, Pondicherry University, India.


1. M. Kumar, S. Srivastav, R.Kant, 2017, Theory for EIS of Quasi reversible Charge Transfer in Presence of Uncompensated Solution Resistance (Oral Presentation), 10-12 August , Second International Conference on Electrochemical Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru- 560 012.



7. N. R. Chowdhury, R. Kant, 2016, Intensity Modulated Photocurrent Spectroscopy at Illuminated Rough Semiconductor Electrodes (Poster), 14-17thDecember, TCS, Hyderabad.


6. J.Kaur, R. Kant, 2016, Theory for Absolute/Standard Potential of Curved Metal Nanostructures (Poster), 14-17th December, TCS, Hyderabad.


5. N. Goswami, R.Kant, 2016, Theory of Single and Double Potential Step Chronoamperometry at Mesoporous  Electrodes: Application to (Fc/Fc+) |Gold in RTIL Medium (oral), 7-8th December, 12th ISEAC-DM- 2016, Chembur, Mumbai.


4. J. Kaur, R. Kant, 2016, Theory of Work Function of Curved Metal Nanostructures (poster), RSC-NPL Symposium, 7-th October, National Physical Laboratory, Delhi.


3. R. Jaswal, M. B. Singh and R. Kant, 2016, Electric Double Layer Dynamics in Arbitrary Mesostructured Electrodes Embedded with Heterogeneous Micropores(Poster), 2nd National Conference on Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage (MECS-2016), 11-13 March, Department of Physics, Pondicherry University and Energy Science Society of India (ESSI). 

*Awarded Best Poster Award of the Symposium*


2. K. Saksena, A. Shrivastava and R. Kant, 2016, Electrochemical sensor for chiral analysis of ascorbic acid using molecular imprinting method(Poster), International Conference on material science and technology (ICMTech-2016), 1-4 March, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi.


1. J. Kaur, R. Kant, 2016, Tuning Charge Transfer Kinetics Through Electrode Nano-structuring (poster), CRSI 2016, 5-7 February, 2016, Punjab University, Chandigarh. 

*Awarded J. Chem. Sci. Best Poster Award of the Symposium *



15. D. Ghai, R. Kant, 2015, Anomalous Stretching Dynamics of Flexible Branched Polymers in Random Flow (poster), Physical and Biophysical Chemistry: Theory and Experiment (PBCTE), 4-6th December, IIT, Bombay.


14. N. R. Chowdhury, R. Kant, 2015, Galvanostatic Potential Transients for Coupled Catalytic Reaction at Rough and Finite Fractal Surface (poster), Physical and Biophysical Chemistry: Theory and Experiment (PBCTE), 4-6th December, IIT, Bombay.


13. S. Dhillon, R. Kant, 2015, Simulation of Local Impedance Spectroscopy Using Finite Fractal Weirstrass Function and SEM Micrographs (poster), Physical and Biophysical Chemistry: Theory and Experiment (PBCTE), 4-6th December, IIT, Bombay.


12. Parveen, R. Kant, 2015, Theory of Pulse Voltammetries for Multistep Charge Transfer Mechanism at Rough  Electrodes (poster), Physical and Biophysical Chemistry: Theory and Experiment (PBCTE), 4-6th December, IIT, Bombay.


11. R. Kumar, R. Kant, 2015, Understanding Anomalous Response of Pt Nanoparticles Deposited Rough Electrode, Poster, 6-th MRS Trilateral Symposium, 23-25 Nov. 2015, IISER, Mohali.


10. N. Sharma, R. Kant, 2015, SEM, Chronoamperometry and Asymptotic Theory for Gold Nanoparticles Deposited High Roughness Electrodes, Poster, 6-th MRS Trilateral Symposium, 23-25 Nov. 2015, IISER, Mohali.


9. S. Srivastav and R. Kant, 2015, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy with Bias at Rough Electrodes: Quasireversiblity and Ohmic Effects (poster), Electrochem2015, Durham University, 13th-15 September, U.K.


8. S. Dhillon and R. Kant, 2015, Local Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy at Rough Electrode: Reversible Charge Transfer (oral), Electrochem2015, Durham University, 13th-15 September, U.K.


7. J. Kaur, S. Dhillon and R. Kant, 2015, Tuning Exchange Current Density Through Electrode Nano-structuring (poster), Electrochem 2015, Durham University, 13th-15 September, U.K.


6. Parveen and R. Kant, 2015, Theory for cyclic voltammetry of multielectron transfer mechanisms at rough electrodes: An insight into solution electrochemistry of supramolecules containing multiple interacting redox sites (poster), abstract in 2nd Indo-German Workshop on Supramolecular Chemistry, 30 March 2015, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi.


5. Parveen and R. Kant, 2015, Theory for Differential Staircase Voltammetry at Rough Electrodes(poster), abstract 9th National Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Allied Areas (ISCAS- 2015) ,8-10th May 2015, Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences University of Delhi, Delhi.


4. D. Ghai and R. Kant, 2015, Dynamics of Flexible Dendrimers in Random Flow (poster), abstract in 2nd Indo-German Workshop on Supramolecular Chemistry, 30 March 2015, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi.


3. I. Pandey and R. Kant, 2015, Carbon Nanodots@graphite Composites Emerging Smart Nanomaterials: A Promising Platform for Direct Electrochemistry and Bioelectrocatalysis (poster), abstract in 2nd Indo-German Workshop on Supramolecular Chemistry, 30 March 2015, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi.


2. I. Pandey and R. Kant, 2015, Electrochemical Sensor for Dopamine and Uric acid Based On Carbon Dots @ Graphite Composites, Oral Presentation in 2nd International Symposium on Physics and Technology of Sensors-2015, (ISPTS-2015) March 8-10, 2015, YASHADHA Auditorium, Aundh, Pune.


1. R. Kumar and R. Kant, 2015, Experimental validation of theory for EC' reaction on the rough platinum electrode, Poster in 17th National Symposium in Chemistry, Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI-NSC-17), 6-8 Feb 2015, CSIR-NCL, Pune and IISER, Pune and S.P. Pune University.



12. D. Ghai and R. Kant, 2014, Dynamics of Generalized Gaussian Polymeric Structures in Random Layered Flow, Poster in Theoretical Chemistry Symposium, (TCS 2014) Dec 18-21, 2014, CSIR-NCL and IISCR-Pune.


11. S. Dhillon and R. Kant, 2014, Theory of Local Electrochemical Activity of 3D Weierstrass-Mandelbrot Finite Fractal Electrode, Poster in Theoretical Chemistry Symposium, (TCS 2014) Dec 18-21, 2014, CSIR-NCL and IISCR-Pune.


10. I. Pandey and R. Kant, 2014, Electrochemical Chiral Sensing of L-Ascorbic Acid Based on Chiral Polyaniline-Carbon Dots Modified Electrode, Poster in International Conference on Recent Advances in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology-2014, (ICRANN 2014) Dec 15-16, 2014, Special Centre For Nanoscience, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.


9. Parveen and R. Kant, 2014, Theory for Normal and Differential Pulse Voltammetry on Fractal Electrodes: Two Step Reversible Charge Transfer (poster), abstract in Proceeding of the 13th Eurasia Conference on Chemical Sciences (EuAsC2-S13), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Dec 14-18, 2014.


8. M. B. Singh, Jasmin Kaur and R. Kant, 2014, Anomalous Capacitance in Sub-nano and Nano structured  structured Supercapacitive Electrodes, One Day Seminar on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, March 14, 2014.  *Awarded Best Poster Award of the Symposium*


7. R. Kumar and R. Kant, Chronoamperometry on Randomly Nanostructured Electrodes: Determination of Electroactive Area, Diffusion Coefficient and Fractal Dimension, (Poster), in abstracts 6th ICONSAT 2014 : International Conference on Nano Science and Technology(the flagship nanoscience meeting of NANO MISSION, DST, Govt of India), 2nd -5th March 2014.


6. M. Sarathbabu and R. Kant, 2014, Anomalous Chronoamperometric Response of Ferrocene in 1-Butyl-3-methylimdazolium hexafluorophosphate[BMIM][PF6] at Glassy Carbon Electrode: Theory and Experiment, in Abstract 20th ISCB International Conference on Chemistry and Medicinal Plants in Translational Medicine for Healthcare, organized by Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, 1st to 4th March, 2014.


5. R. Kant and M. B. Singh, 2014, Anomalous response of nanostructured electrochemical capacitors: Theoretical aspects (invited talk), in Eleventh ISEAC International Discussion Meet on Electrochemistry and its Applications, Eds. S.K.Aggarwal et al; ISEAC-2014, pp 3-6, Radisson BluHotel, Amritsar, Feb 20-25, 2014.


4. S. Dhillon and R. Kant, 2014, Experimental validation of theory of chronoamperometry on rough gold electrodes: Topography characterization through hybrid electrochemical and SEM methods (oral presentation), in Eleventh ISEAC International Discussion Meet on Electrochemistry and its Applications, Eds. S.K.Aggarwal et al; ISEAC-2014, pp 91-92, Radisson Blu Hotel, Amritsar, Feb 20-25, 2014.


3. N. R. Chowdhury, S. Dhillon and R. Kant, 2014, Influence of electrode roughness on electroanalysis with single current step chronopotentiometry(poster), in Eleventh ISEAC International Discussion Meet on Electrochemistry and its Applications, Eds. S.K.Aggarwal et al; ISEAC-2014, pp 117-118, Radisson Blu Hotel, Amritsar, Feb 20-25, 2014.  *Awarded Best Poster Award of the Symposium*


2. R. Kant and M. Birla Singh, 2014, Debye-Falkenhagen dynamics of electric double layer in presence of electrode heterogeneity and roughness(invited talk), in Abstract  Dynamics in Complex Chemical and Biological Systems (DCCBS-2014), IIT Kanpur, Kanpur, Feb 13-15, 2014.


1. M. Sarathbabu and R. Kant, 2014, Theory for quasi-reversible charge transfer with Ohmic effects at rough electrodes: Verification in ionic liquid medium, in Abstract 16th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry, Victor Menezes Convention Centre, IIT Bombay, Feb. 7-9, 2014.



7. Parveen and R. Kant, 2013, Theory of cyclic voltammetry of reversible charge transfer system with uncompensated solution resistance at rough electrode (poster), abstract in Proceeding of the 50th Annual Convention of Chemists, Department of Chemistry, Panjab University, Chandigarh, Dec 04-07, 2013.


6. D. Ghai and R. Kant, 2013, Dynamics of star and dendrimer polymers in random layered flow (poster), abstract in Proceeding of the 50th Annual Convention of Chemists, Department of Chemistry, Panjab University, Chandigarh, Dec 04-07, 2013.


5. S. Shweta and R. Kant, 2013, Statistical topographic characterization of rough gold electrodes using CV-SEM method and their chronoamperometric response (poster), abstract in Proceeding of the 50th Annual Convention of Chemists, Department of Chemistry, Panjab University, Chandigarh, Dec 04-07, 2013.


4. R. Kant and M. Birla Singh 2013, Generalized Thomas-Fermi Theory for Electronic Capacitance in Curved Nanostructured Materials (invited talk), in Abstract DAE BRNS Symposium on Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry (CTTC-2013), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, Sept 26-28, 2013.


3. R. Kant and Rajesh Kumar 2013, EIS of Disordered Electrodes: Theoretical Aspects (invited talk), in Proceeding of Fifth ISEAC Triennial International Conference an Advances and Recent Trends in Electrochemistry, Eds. S.K. Aggarwal et al; ELAC-2013, Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad, Jan 16-20, 2013.


2. S. Dhillon and R. Kant, 2013, Theory of double potential step chronoamperometry at rough and finite fractal electrode (poster), in Proceeding of Fifth ISEAC Triennial International Conference an Advances and Recent Trends in Electrochemistry, Eds. S.K.Aggarwal et al; ELAC-2013, RamojiFilm City, Hyderabad, Jan 16-20, 2013.


1. M. Arya and R. Kant, 2013, Theoretical Aspect of Analytical Chemistry in Solutions: Generalization of Sand Equation for Rough Electrode (poster), in abstracts National Conference on Advances in Chemical Sciences (ACS 2013), 1-2 March, 2013, at Department of Chemistry, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak-124001, India.



10. M. B. Singh and R. Kant, Theory of Electric Double Layer Admittance of Partially Blocking Heterogeneous Rough Electrode(Poster), in abstracts Theoretical Chemistry Symposium (TCS 2012), 19-22 December, 2012, at Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India. *Awarded Best Poster Award of the Symposium*


9. Md. Merajul Islam and R. Kant, Theoretical Models for Spectroelectrochemical-Transients under Potentiostatic Condition on Optically Transparent Rough Electrode (Poster), in abstracts Theoretical Chemistry Symposium (TCS 2012), 19-22 December, 2012, at Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India.


8. Shweta Dhillon and R. Kant, Theory of Double Potential Step Chronoamperometry at Rough and Finite Fractal Electrode (Poster), in Abstract NDCS-2012: New Directions in Chemical Sciences, 7th Dec - 9th Dec. 2012, Department of Chemistry, IIT Delhi, New Delhi - 110016.


7. Md. M. Islam and R. Kant, Effect of Optically Transparent Electrode Roughness on Electrochromic Phenomena (Poster), in Abstract NDCS-2012: New Directions in Chemical Sciences, 7th Dec - 9th Dec. 2012, Department of Chemistry, IIT Delhi, New Delhi - 110016.


6. S. Srivastav and R. Kant, Experimental Validation of Power Spectrum Based Theory of Electrochemical Response at Rough Electrode (Poster), in Abstract NDCS-2012: New Directions in Chemical Sciences, 7th Dec - 9th Dec. 2012, Department of Chemistry, IIT Delhi, New Delhi - 110016.


5. Md. M. Islam and R. Kant, Effect of Optically Transparent Rough Electrode Surface on Electrochromic Phenomena (Poster), in Abstract WAMFER-2012: INDO-GERMAN Workshop on Advanced Materials for Future Energy Requirements, 29th Nov-1st Dec. 2012, Delhi University Conference Center, Delhi.


4. Maibam Birla Singh and R. Kant, Electric Double Layer Dynamics of Nanostructured Supercapacitor Electrodes Electrodes (Poster), in Abstract WAMFER-2012: INDO-GERMAN Workshop on Advanced Materials for Future Energy Requirements, 29th Nov-1st Dec. 2012, Delhi University Conference Center, Delhi.


3. Ratnesh Kumar and R. Kant, Anomalous Chronoamperometric Response under Potential Step Perturbation on Mechanically Rough Electrodes (Oral Presentation), in abstracts Seventeenth National Convention of Electrochemists (NCE-17), September 14-15, 2012, organized by SAEST, Karaikudi in association with CSIR-CECRI, Karaikudi and B. S. Abdur Rahman University, Chennai.


2. S. Srivastav and R. Kant, Experimental Validation of Power Spectrum Based Theory of Electrochemical Response at Rough Electrode (Poster), in Abstract CRSI 2012 Mid Year Meeting, 21-22 July 2012, organized by CSIR- CDRI, Lucknow. *Awarded Best Poster Award of the Symposium*


1. Md. M. Islam and R. Kant, Spectroelectrochemical Studies for EC' Reaction Mechanism at Optically Transparent Electrode: A Roughness Perspective (Poster), in Abstract 14-th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry, 2-5 Feb. 2012, jointly organized by NIIST and IESR, Trivandrum. *Awarded Best Poster Award of the Symposium*



10. M. B. Singh and R. Kant, A Semi-Quantum Model for the Double Layer Capacitance of Nanostructured  Supercapacitor Electrodes (Poster), in Abstract International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (ICNANO) , 18-21 Dec. 2011, Department of Physics, University of Delhi, Delhi.


9. M. B. Singh and R. Kant, Double-layer Capacitance of Nanostructured Supercapacitors Electrodes: Size/Shape Effect Versus Electronic Effect(invited talk), in Abstract 2nd Indo-Italian Workshop on Electrochemistry for Future Energy Solution, 30th Nov. to 3rd Dec. 2011, Department of Chemistryt, University of Delhi, Delhi.


8. Md. M. Islam and R. Kant, Theory of Absorbance-Transients for EC' Reaction Mechanism at Rough Optically Transparent Electrode (Poster), in Abstract 2nd Indo-Italian Workshop on Electrochemistry for Future Energy Solution, 30th Nov. to 3rd Dec. 2011, Department of Chemistryt, University of Delhi, Delhi.


7. S. Srivastav, R. Kumar and R. Kant, Admittance Response of Finite Fractal Electrodes in Presence of Electrolyte Resistance (Poster), in Abstract 2nd Indo-Italian Workshop on Electrochemistry for Future Energy Solution, 30th Nov. to 3rd Dec. 2011, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi.


6. Parveen and R. Kant, Theory of Staircase and Linear Sweep Voltammetry for Finite Fractal Roughness (Poster), in Abstract 2nd Indo-Italian Workshop on Electrochemistry for Future Energy Solution, 30th Nov. to 3rd Dec. 2011,  Department of Chemistryt, University of Delhi, Delhi.


5. S. Dhillon and R. Kant, Theory of Multisteps Chronoamperometry at Rough Electrodes (Poster), in Abstract 2nd Indo-Italian Workshop on Electrochemistry for Future Energy Solution, 30th Nov. to 3rd Dec. 2011, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi.


4. S. Babu and R. Kant, Effect of Uncompensated Solution Resistance on Quasi-Reversible Charge Transfer at Rough Electrode (Poster), in Abstract 2nd Indo-Italian Workshop on Electrochemistry for Future Energy Solution, 30th Nov. to 3rd Dec. 2011, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi.


3. R. Kumar, D. Ghai and R. Kant, Theory for Admittance of Diffusion Limited Adsorption Coupled to Reversible Charge Transfer on Rough Electrodes(Poster), in Abstract 2nd Indo-Italian Workshop on Electrochemistry for Future Energy Solution, 30th Nov. to 3rd Dec. 2011, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi. 


2. R. Kumar and R. Kant, Theoretical Aspects of Impedance Spectroscopy of Disordered Electrodes (invited talk), in Abstract International Conference on Advances in Applied Chemical Sciences and Innovative Materials, 10-12 Aug. 2011, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Delhi.


1. S. Srivastav and R. Kant, Admittance Response of Fractal Electrode in Presence of Electrolyte Resistance (Poster), in Abstract 13-th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry, 4-6 Feb. 2011, jointly organized by NISER and KIIT, Bhubaneswar.



9. S. Srivastav and R. Kant, Role of Surface Disorder & Uncompensated Resistence in Non Ideal Cottrellian & Anson Response (Poster), in abstracts Theoretical Chemistry Symposium (TCS 2010), 08-12 December, 2010, at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. *Awarded Best Poster Award of the Symposium*


8. R. Kumar and R. Kant, Statistical Theory of Diffusion Limited Adsorption Impedance on Random Fractal Electrodes (Poster), in abstracts Theoretical Chemistry Symposium (TCS 2010), 08-12 December, 2010, at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India.


7. S. Srivastav and R. Kant, Influence of Ohmic Drop on Anomalous Response at Finite Fractal Electrode: Model & Implications (Talk), 6thDynamic Day Delhi Meeting on Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems, 27 Nov. 2010, at Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi, New Delhi.


6. R. Kumar and R.Kant, Statistical Theory for Gerischer Admittance on Realistic Self-Affine Fractals (Oral Presentation) in Abstract First Indo-Italian Workshop on Frontiers of Fundamental & Industrial Electrochemistry: A Challenge for a Better World, 30th -31st Aug. 2010, jointly organized by Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Delhi & Embassy of Italy, New Delhi.


5. M. B. Singh and R. Kant, Electric Double Layer Model for Anomalous Capacitance of Nanostructured Supercapacitor (Poster), in Abstract First Indo-Italian Workshop on Frontiers of Fundamental & Industrial Electrochemistry: A Challenge for a Better World, 30th -31st Aug. 2010, jointly organized by Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Delhi & Embassy of Italy, New Delhi. *Awarded 2nd Best Poster Award of the Symposium*


4. Md. M. Islam and R. Kant, Generalization of Anson Equation for Randomly Rough Electrode (Poster), in Abstract First Indo-Italian Workshop on Frontiers of Fundamental & Industrial Electrochemistry: A Challenge for a Better World, 30th -31st Aug. 2010, jointly organized by Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Delhi & Embassy of Italy, New Delhi.


3. S. Srivastav and R. Kant, Effect of Uncompensated Solution Resistance on Nernstian (reversible) Charge Transfer at Fractally Rough Electrode (Poster), in Abstract First Indo-Italian Workshop on Frontiers of Fundamental & Industrial Electrochemistry: A Challenge for a Better World, 30th -31stAug. 2010, jointly organized by Department of Chemistry, Univ. of Delhi & Embassy of Italy, New Delhi.


2. Md. Merajul Islam and R. Kant, Theory of Absorbance-Transients of an Optically Transparent Rough Electrode (Poster), in Abstract 12-th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry, 4-7 Feb. 2010, jointly organized by Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad.


1. R. Kumar and R. Kant, Statistical Theory of Quasi-Reversible Charge Transfer Admittance on Random Fractal Electrodes (Oral Presentation), inFifteenth National Convention of Electrochemists (NCE15), February 18-19, 2010, VIT University, Vellore.


6. M. B. Singh and R. Kant, Electric Double Layer Model for Anomalous Capacitance of Curved Nanostructured Supercapacitor (Poster), in abstracts Indo-Russian Workshop on Nanotechnology and Laser Induced Plasma (IRNANO-2009), 24-26 Nov. 2009, Delhi University, New Delhi.


5. S. Bhandari, M.Deepa, S. Pahal, A. K. Srivastava, S. T. Lakshmikumar and R. Kant, PEDOT-Zwitter Ionic Viologen based Electrochromic Films for Flexible Energy Efficient Windows (Poster), in abstracts Indo-Russian Workshop on Nanotechnology and Laser Induced Plasma (IRNANO-2009), 24-26 Nov. 2009, Delhi University, New Delhi.


4. S. Srivastav and R. Kant, Effect of Ohmic Losses on Potentiostatic Current Transient of a Reversible Redox Systems on Fractally Rough Electrode (Talk), in abstract  National Symposium on Electrochemical Science and Technology (NSEST 2009), 17-18 July, 2009, Bangalore, India


3. S. K. Jha and R. Kant, Theory of Anomalous Hydrogen Transport Through Hydride-forming Electrodes with Fractal Roughness (Poster), in abstracts International Conference on Hydrogen and Hydrogen Storage: Methods and Materials, 3-6 Jan. 2009, at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.


2. M. B. Singh and R. Kant, Generalized Theory of Capacitive Behavior of  Arbitrary Nano-Structured Supercapacitor Electrode (Poster), in abstracts Discussion Meeting on Theoretical Chemistry (TCS 2009), 18-24 January, 2009, at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.


1. R. Kumar and R. Kant, Theory of Quasi-Reversible Charge Transfer Impedance on Realistic Self-Affine Fractal Electrodes (Poster), in abstracts 11-th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry, 6-8 Feb. 2009, jointly organized by Indian Institute of Science Education & Research, National Chemical Laboratory, University of Pune, Pune.



4. S. K. Jha and R. Kant, Theory of Quasi-Reversible Charge Transfer Reaction on Realistic Self-Affine Fractal Electrodes (Poster), in abstracts 10-th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry, 1-3 Feb. 2008, at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.


3. V.Shankar, P. Rastogi, R. Kant and A. K. Ganguli, Universal Variation of Dielectric Behaviour Induced by Nanoscale Dopants in Dielectric Oxides: Evidence of Fractal Geometry (Poster), in abstracts 10-th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry, 1-3 Feb. 2008, at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.


2. S. K. Jha, Md. M. Islam and Rama Kant, Statistical Theory for Diffusion-Limited Current on Realistic Fractal  Electrodes (Poster), First DU-SDU Seminar on Emerging Trends in Interfacial Areas of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences,17-18 March 2008, at University of Delhi, Delhi.


1. R. Kumar, B. S. Maibam and Rama Kant, Statistical Theory for Gerischer Admittance on Realistic Self-Affine Fractal Electrodes (Poster), First DUSDU Seminar on Emerging Trends in Interfacial Areas of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences, 17-18 March 2008, at University of Delhi, Delhi.



5. S. K. Jha and R. Kant, Analysis of Potentiostatic Current Transients Responses for Nano and Micro Scale Rough Electrode, in Proceeding of International Conference on ElectroAnalytical Chemistry and Allied Topics, Indian Society for ElectroAnalytical Chemistry, Eds. S.K.Aggarwal et al; ELAC-2007, March 10-15, 2007.


4. R. Kumar, S. K. Jha, V. K. Yadav and R. Kant, Theory of Diffusion Limited Impedance of Fractally Rough Electrodes (Poster), in abstracts 9-th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry, 1-4 Feb. 2007, at Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi - 110007.

*Awarded Best Poster Award of the Symposium*


3. V. Shanker, R. Kant and A. K. Ganguli; Unusual dielectric behaviour induced by nanoscale dopants: Evidence of fractal geometry (Poster), in abstracts, The NIMS Conference 2007 on Recent Breakthroughs in Materials Science and Technology, July 11-13, 2007, Japan.


2. S. Bhandari, M. Deepa, S. T. Lakshmikumar, R. Kant; High performance viologen based electrochromic  devices for smart windows (Poster), in abstracts, Materials Research Society of India: 18th Annual general meeting. A theme symposium on Materials for Energy Generation, Conservation and Storage. 12-14 February, 2007, NPL, N.Delhi.


1. S. Bhandari, S.T. Lakshmikumar, S. Ahmad, R. Kant, M. Deepa; Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) films: Influence of sodium dodecyl phosphate on microstructure and electrochromic properties (Poster), in abstracts Second International Conference on Electroactive Polymer: Materials and Devices; 19- 24 February, 2007 , Goa.



3. D. Kumar and R. Kant, Theory of Capacitive Behavior of Nanostructured Electrode / Electrolytes Interface (Poster), in abstracts National Seminar on Multifunctional Nanomaterials, Nanostructures and Applications (MNNA 2006), 22-23 Dec. 2006, at Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007.


2. S. K. Jha, D. Kumar and R. Kant, Effect of Fractal Roughness on the Potentiostatic Current Transients and Linear Sweep Voltammogram, in abstracts International Symposium on Advances in Electrochemical Science & Technology (ISAEST-8), 28-30 Nov., 2006, Goa, India.


1. S. Bhandari, M. Deepa, S.T. Lakshmikumar, Rama Kant; Effect of annealing on structure, morphology and photoluminescent behavior of TiO2 films(Poster), in abstracts National Seminar on Multifunctional Nanomaterials, Nanostructure and Applications. 22-23 December, 2006, Delhi University, N.Delhi.



2. S. K. Jha and R. Kant, Effect of Fractal Roughness on Interfacial Reactions (Poster), 41-st Annual Convention of Chemists, 23-27 Dec. 2004, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi - 110007.


1. V. K. Yadav, D. Butani and R. Kant, Effect of Fractal Roughness on Impedance (Poster), 41-st Annual Convention of Chemists, 23-27 Dec. 2004, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, Delhi - 110007.



9. S. K. Kumar, R. H. Colby and R. Kant, Dynamics of miscible polymer blends, in abstracts Annual APS March Meeting 2003, Mar 3 - 7, Austin, Texas.


8. R. Kant, R. H. Colby and S. K. Kumar, Effect of concentration fluctuations in miscible polymer blends, in abstracts Annual APS March Meeting 2002, Mar 18 - 22, Indianapolis, Indiana.


7. J. A. Pathak, R. Kant, S. K. Kumar and R. H. Colby, Double reptation prediction of the linear viscoelasticity of melt miscible polymer blends, in abstracts 3rd International Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology, June 10 - 14, 2001, Patras, Greece.


6. P. -G. de Gennes, M. Hebert and R. Kant, Toward Artificial Muscles , Polymer Rheology Conference, Cambridge, U.K., 1996.


5. R. Kant, Effect of surface roughness on the diffusion-limited charge transfer (self-affine corrugated surface fractals), Bienvenue `a la Seizi`emeRecontre de Physique Statistique de Paris, 25-26th Jan 1996 , E. S. P. C. I., Paris.


4. R. Kant, P. -G. De Gennes and M. Hebert, Artificial Muscles based on Nematic Gels, Discussion Group Meeting on Novel Liquid Crystals with special reference to transition metal discotics and smectics, 8-10 Jan. 1997, S. N. Bose Centre for Basic Sciences, Calcutta, India.


3. R. Kant, Diffusion-limited reaction rates at self-affine surface fractals, Discussion meeting on Theoretical Chemistry, 5-8 Dec. 1996, School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India.


2. R. Kant and S.K. Rangarajan, Inversion of current-potential equation, National Seminar on Electrodics, 23-25 July 1988, CECRI, Karaikudi, India.


1. R. Kant and S.K. Rangarajan, Chronopotentiometry with power law functions at DME with and without preceding blank period, National Seminar on Electrodics, 23-25 July 1988, CECRI, Karaikudi, India.



1. R. Kant, T. C. B. McLeish, D. J. Groves, Linear Rheology of H-polymers, Partners in Rheology, 16-18-th Dec. 1988, Ilkley, West Yorkshire, U.K.


2. R. Kant, O. Harlen, T. C. B. McLeish, Spin Line Stability: Draw-Resonance in Geisekus Model, Technology Foresight Challenge Project Meeting, 9-th Nov. 1998, Univ. of Leeds, U.K.


3. R. Kant, Statistics of Approximately Self-Affine Fractals, Dynamics of Complex Systems, 6-11th Aug. 1995, S. N. Bose Institute for Basic Sciences, Calcutta, India.


4. R. Kant and S. K. Rangarajan, Effect of Surface Roughness on the Admittance Analysis, Fifth International Symposium on Advances in Electrochemical Science & Technology, 24-26 Nov. 1994, Madras, India

University of Delhi


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