Prof. Rama Kant, FNA, FASc
The research focus of our group to develop theories for the fourth generation Electrochemistry, Nanomaterials and Polymers. These complex system and their dynamic response is controlled by coupling of length scales from emergent phenomenon to scales of interfacial energetic and morphological disorder with fractal nature. Scientific approaches used in solving these complex systems problems are phenomenological, stochastic, statistical, quantum, mechanical, computational and experimental. Our significant contributions are the generalization of fundamental equations of electrochemistry: Thomas-Fermi, Gouy-Chapman-Stern and Donnan for electric double layer capacitance of complex geometries, Cottrell, Anson, Danckwerts, Warburg and Gerischer for the reversible charge transfer at rough electrodes. Further influence of quasi-reversibility in charge transfer and pseudo quasi-reversibility due to solution reistance and adsorption are also addressed. Our contribution to 4G electrochemistry unravel quantitative description to electrode surface micropores to its dynamic electrochemical response. In fact this area of research represents the fundamental science of most realistic and applied electrochemical systems like supercapacitor, photovoltaic, electrochromic batteries, sensors etc.
Ph.D., Indian Institute of Science
M.Sc. University of Delhi

Dr.'s of Complex System Group

Contact Details
Department of Chemistry
Delhi-110 007, India
Tel. 91-11-27666646 x 188, 149,
Fax. 91-11-27666605
Email: rkant@chemistry.du.ac.in