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Invited Talks

54. Complexities in Modelling of Electrochemical Processes. (Invited Lecture), 13-16 February 2019, 16th Theoretical Chemistry Symposium, BITS Pilani.


53. Multiscale Modelling of Electrochemical Systems: Disordered and Nanostructured Electrodes. 8-10 January 2019, iSAEST, Chennai.


52. Modelling of EIS Response of Supercapacitor. (Invited Lecture), 28-29 September 2018, National Symposium on Electrochemistry in Materials and Devices, Bhavnagar.


51. Modelling Fundamental Electrochemistry and Devices. (Invited Lecture), 7-8 June, Twentieth National Convention of Electrochemists, VIT Vellore.


50. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Rough and Porous Electrodes, Acharya J. C. Ghosh  Memorial Medal Lecture, 23rd-25th December, 54th Annual Convention of Chemists (ICS-2017), Department of Chemistry, Uka Tarsadia University, Bardoli, Surat, Gujrat.


49. Phenomenological Theories for Modelling of Solid State Li-ion Batteries (Invited Lecture), 6-9 September 1st World Conference on Solid Electrolytes for Advanced Applications: Garnet & Competitors, Department of Physics, Pondicherry University, India.


48. Contemporary Electrochemical Energy Systems (Popular Science Lecture), 5 September, Karunya  University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.


47. Anomalies in Electric Double Layer Response on Rough and Porous Electrodes (Keynote lecture), 10-12 August , Second International Conference on Electrochemical Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.


46. Electrochemistry at Rough and Porous Electrodes (invited lecture), 27th March, Chemical Sciences: Emerging Trends and Opportunities, UGC SAP Sponsored Seminar, Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed Univ.), Dayalbagh, Agra.


45. Impedance Spectroscopy of Rough and Porous Electrodes: Theoretical Aspects (invited lecture), 23rd January, CSIR-CECRI, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu.


44. Electrochemistry at Fractal Electrodes: Mathematical Concepts in Chemistry (Popular lecture), 9th January, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi.


43. Influence of Electrode Roughness on Pulse Voltammetries: Theoretical Aspects (invited lecture), 7-8th December, 12th ISEAC-DM-2016, Chembur, Mumbai.


42. Theories of Pulse Voltammetries on Rough Electrode (invited lecture), 8-10th December, ISAEST, Chennai.


41. Disordered Electrodes, Governing Length Scales and Electrochemical Processes (invited lecture), 16th Sept. 2016, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai.


40. Electrochemical Processes on Disordered Electrodes and their Governing Length Scales (invited lecture), 12 th Sept. 2016, Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.


39. Curvature Induced Anomalies in Electrochemical Potentials, Recent Advances in Theoretical Chemistry (RATC2016), 7-8 July, 2016,Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.


38. Diffusion Kinetics at Fractal Electrodes, Science Academies Lecture workshop for College Teachers & Students on Emerging Technologies based on Nanoscience, 22-23 April, Organized by Department of Chemistry, Mody University of Science and Technology, Sikar, Rajasthan-332311; Sponsored by Indian Academy of Science, Bangalore; Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi; The National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad.


37. Nanokinetics in Electrochemistry, Science Academies Lecture workshop for College Teachers & Students on Emerging Technologies based on Nanoscience, 22-23 April, Organized by Department of Chemistry, Mody University of Science and Technology, Sikar, Rajasthan-332311; Sponsored by Indian Academy of Science, Bangalore; Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi; The National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad.


36. Theories for Super-Kinetics and Super-Capacitance (invited lecture), 2nd National Conference on Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage (MECS-2016), 11-13 March, Department of Physics, Pondicherry University and Energy Science Society of India (ESSI).


35. Understanding Electrochemistry of Anomalous Responses in Disordered Metal and Semiconductor Electrodes (invited lecture), 29th Jan 2016, Department of Chemistry, Dayalbagh Educational Institutions, Agra.


34. Tuning Surface Work Function and Kinetics Through Electrode Surface Morphological Anisotropies, (Invited Lecture), Physical and Biophysical Chemistry: Theory and Experiment (PBCTE), 4-6th December, IIT, Bombay.


33. Tuning Surface Work Function and Kinetics Through Electrode Nano-structuring, Invited Lecture, 6th MRS Trilateral Symposium, 23-25 Nov. 2015, IISER, Mohali.


32. Theories for Anomalous Responses in Disordered Electrodes, Invited Lecture by Fellows, 6-8 Nov. 2015, 81st Annual Meeting of Indian Academy of Sciences, IISER, Pune and CSIR - NCL.


31. Does Electrode Disorder Matter?, Keynote Talk, Electrochem. 2015, Durham University, 13-15 September, U.K.


30. Does Nanoscopic Electrode Disorder Matter in Electrochemical Processes ? (Invited Talk), 19 August 2015, IISER Mohali.


29. Influence of Nanoscopic Disorder in Electrochemical Processes (Institute Seminar), 6 July, 2015 Fermion Hall, S. N. Bose Institute for Basic Sciences, Kolkata, India.


28. Theory for Anomalous Response in Cyclic Voltammetry (Invited Talk), 2 July, 2015, at Department of Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.


27. Anomalous Dynamic Response of Rough electrodes, Invited talk in UGC-DSA Sponsored National Seminar on Advancement in Materials & Coordinator Chemistry, 25 March 2015, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.


26. Complex Dynamic Response of Rough electrodes: Role of Length & Time scales, Invited talk in Professor Ram Chand Paul National Symposium in Chemical Sciences, 20-21 March 2015, Punjab University, Chandigarh.


25. Theories for Molecular Walks through a Rough Electrode Terrain, Bronze Medal talk in 17th National Symposium in Chemistry, Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI-NSC-17), 6-8 Feb 2015, CSIR-NCL, Pune and IISER, Pune and S.P. Pune University.


24. Random Molecular Flights in Energetically and Topographically Rough Terrains, talk in ChemFest-2015, Jan 13, 2014, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi.


23. Fractional Dimension in Chemistry, talk in An Interdisciplinary Science Seminar, Jan 28, 2014,  organized by Kirori Mal College Student Union, Kirori Mal College , University of Delhi.


22. Multiscale Phenomena in Anomalous Electrode Response: Chronoamperometry and Cyclic Voltammetry, Invited Talk in Theoretical Chemistry Symposium, (TCS 2014) Dec 18-21, 2014, CSIR-NCL and IISCR-Pune.


21. Multiscale phenomena in electrochemistry of disordered electrodes (invited talk), in MMMD-2014: DAE-BRNS Symposium on "Multiscale Modeling of Materials and Devices", Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, 30th Oct-2nd Nov 2014.


20. Capacitance Anomalies in Sub-Nanopores and Nanostructures (invited talk), in 6th ICONSAT 2014 : International Conference on Nano Science and Technology(the flagship nanoscience meeting of NANO MISSION, DST, Govt of India), 2nd -5th March 2014.


19. Generalization of Thomas-Fermi Theory for Curved Nanostructured Electrodes: Capacitance and Electron Transfer (invited talk), in Abstract  International Conference on Interdisciplinary Areas with Chemical Sciences (CTTC-2013), Panjab University, Chandigarh, in Association with Institute of  Nano Science and Technology Mohali, Oct 30th-Nov 1st , 2013.


18. Power Spectrum Based Theories of Ubiquitous Electrode Roughness and Their Electrochemical Response (Invited Talk), in Abstract CRSI 2012 Mid Year Meeting, 21-22 July 2012, organized by CSIR- CDRI, Lucknow.


17. Mathematical Models in Electrochemistry involving Arbitrary and Stochastic Boundaries, UGC-DST- Sponsored National Conference on Mathematical Models and Methods, 1-2nd March, 2012, organized by Department of Mathematics, The Madura College, Madurai, Tamilnadu.


16. Theoretical Aspects of Disordered Electrodes (invited talk), in Abstract First Indo-Italian Workshop on Frontiers of Fundamental & Industrial Electrochemistry: A Challenge for a Better World, 30th -31st Aug. 2010, jointly organized by Department of Chemistry, Univ of Delhi & Embassy of Italy, New Delhi.


15. Solving Diffusion Equation on Arbitrary and Stochastic Boundaries: Application to Problems in Chemistry (invited talk), in Abstract National Workshop on Computational Science, 1-14 July, 2010, jointly organized by Department of Physics & Astrophysics, Delhi University Computer Centreand Swami Shraddhanand College, Univ. of Delhi, New Delhi.


14. Model for Anomalous Capacitance of Electric Double Layer near Curved Nanostructured Electrode (Invited Talk), in abstracts Changing Paradigms of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry: From Atom to Molecular Clusters (TCCC - 2009), 18-20 Dec. 2009, Dept. of Chemistry & Interdisciplinary School of Scientific Computing, University of Pune, Pune.


13. Theoretical Understanding of Anomalous Response Of Fractal And Nano-Structured Electrodes, in abstracts Centenary Conference on Emerging Trends in Chemistry (ETC 2009), 13-15 May, 2009, at Department of Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.


12. Understanding Anomalous Response Of Fractal And Nano-Structured Electrodes (Invited Talk), in abstracts Discussion Meeting on Theoretical Chemistry (TCS 2009), 18-24 January, 2009, at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.


11. Theoretical Aspects of Supercapacitors: Nano-Structured and Disordered Interfaces (Talk), in abstracts International Conference on Electrochemical Power Systems, 26-28 November 2008, Mascot Hotel, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.


10. Theoretical Aspects of Nano-Structured and Disordered Electrodes (Invited Talk), in abstracts Future Directions in Advanced Material Research, 16-19 April 2008 Shimla at Hotel Asia Dawn, Shimla.


9. Generalization of Theories of Cottrell Current and Warburg Impedance for Realistic Fractal Electrodes (Invited Talk), in abstracts First DU-SDU Seminar on Emerging Trends in Interfacial Areas of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences, 17-18 March 2008, at University of Delhi, Delhi.


8. Electrochemical Supercapacitors: Energy Storage Beyond Batteries, 6th Dec. 2008, Refresher Course in Physics & Electronics, CPDHE and Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi.


7. Irregular Electrodes as Fractal and Their Electrochemical Responses (Invited Talk), in abstracts National Convention of Electrochemistry, 6 Dec. 2007, at IGCAR, Kalpakkam, Tamilnadu.


6. Fractals in Electrochemistry, Refresher Course for College Teachers on 20-th Dec. 2007, CPDHE and Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi.


5.  Irregular Electrodes as Fractals, Wednesday Talks of Department of Chemistry, 7 Nov. 2007, at Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi.


4. Diffusion-Limited Reaction Rates on Random Fractal Electrodes (Invited Talk), 3rd Dynamic Day Delhi Meeting on Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Systems, 3 Nov. 2007, at School of Physical Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.


3. Complex Interfaces in Electrochemical Energy Systems, Refresher Course for College Teachers on 3rd Oct. 2006, CPDHE and Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi.


2. Effect of surface roughness on the diffusion-limited charge transfer (self-affine corrugated surface fractals), Bienvenue `a la Seizi`emeRecontre de Physique Statistique de Paris, 25-26th Jan 1996 , E. S. P. C. I., Paris.


1. Diffusion-limited reaction rates at self-affine surface fractals, Discussion meeting on Theoretical Chemistry, 5-8 Dec. 1996, School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India.


University of Delhi


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